Known Issues

The Boron Canandgyro was optimized for performance in the FIRST Robotics Competition. As a result, it has some bugs that may express themselves in other applications.

Long Settling Time for Pitch and Roll

In some cases, Pitch and Roll can take a long time to settle. Typical behavior settles the Pitch and Roll to 0.1 degree of the final value in under 20 seconds after zeroing pose. However, in situations where pitch and roll are very small, it can take up to 60 seconds to settle within 0.1 degree.


Re-calibrate the gyro from user code or Alchemist to force the gyro to redefine pitch and roll. Avoid zeroing pitch and roll from user code in most circumstances.

Pitch and Roll Sensitivity

While the yaw axis is precisely calibrated and can support many continuous rotations without added drift, the pitch and roll axes are not. Continuous rotations in the pitch and roll axes will cause a buildup in pose error.


Most applications will not see multiple rotations in pitch and roll. For those that do, use the Calibrate button in Alchemist or call startCalibration() from user code to force the gyro to refine the Pitch and Roll using the accelerometer more quickly. Alternatively, allow the gyro to rest for several seconds to let sensor fusion fix the pose.